Black Rock Coffee Bar and the film crew at Peoria Student Broadcasting Network (PSBN) in Arizona teamed up to film and produce a pre-game show for upcoming sports games. To create a series of innovative pre-game titles, PSBN and Black Rock approached title designer Ethan Sinconis.
Looking at the unique decor and architecture used in Black Rock, Sinconis knew his primary goal was to make the viewers feel like they were in the shop the entire time.
To achieve the end result, Sinconis took photos of the shop interiors to build the sequence and made it as life-like as possible. Shadows of people walking by, the neon sign flashing on, and the mixed texture of raw wood made it feel real.
For the end titles, Ethan shot and edited photos of live wood and layered embossed typography along with coffee splatters and other assets made from scratch. Ethan also mixed in realistic coffee shop sounds and features to mimic camera shakiness. The audience feels like they're still in the shop even after the whole show comes to a close.
Black Rock Coffee Bar Pre-Game Show
Heads of Production: PSBN / Black Rock Staff
Client: Black Rock Coffee Bar